jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

The kings of Wakanda

Hi everywone

     Since two years ago, I have the time to see all the movies of the saga Marvel, the MCU, The Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the true it's that I don't have many expectative from the movies, I think that was boring like another sagas whit many movies, but when I was in the middle of all them, I fell in love of the plot.
     The last year, the movie Black Panther came out, so like all Marvel Movies, I went to see it to the cinema, and I think it's one of the best movies in the world, because the plot is different from other Marvel's movies, it has a very real context and the conflict is very attractive to watch. But without a doubt the best character (after Black Panther, apparently(, is the villain Killmonger, cousin of King T'Challa (Same Black Panter) who was exiled from Wakanda after his father, who had taken the power by force, died in a fight for the throne of Wakanda. So, N'Jadaka (Killmonger) have to live in a dangerous neighborhood of New York, until he decided to fight again for the throne that belonged to him in Wakanda.

On the right, with short hair, is Black Panther, and on the left with dreadlocks, is Killmonger.

     I think they both make a very good fight, however, Killmonger is a villain with good arguments to fight and he does very well, althought Black Panther is very good, but for him the life has been much easier and he has been able go much futher, if they hadn't banished N'Jadaka as a child, they could both have one far together.

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2019

Family meal

Hi everywone

     Now I want to tall you about a meal that always remember me my home and my family. When I was a little girl my dad always cook lasagna, cause that was her favorite meal in the life, he eat that since he was a little boy and my granthmother prepare it for he and her brothers, so he love it. When I was little my dad prepare it, but when we grew up, he thaught to prepare it to my mom, and she invented the lasagna of the most singular flavors, with another ingredients that my dad taught him, althought they were very rich flavors.
      When my sister and me grew up, we thaught how prepare it, inclending how to make the dough, cause my dad said that the dough of supermarket don't have savor and is't better prepare it ourselves. In the first time my favorite was the classic lasagna bolognese, but today I love the lasagna of vegetables and white cream, because they have a strong taste, and cause now I'n traying to reduce the meat in my feeding. 
     Today, regrettably I prepare lasagna once a month, cause it's expensive for my poor college pocket, and it's need many time to prepare it, and I don't have this time :(
        What I like the most it's that when I go to my home in San Felipe, sometimes my mom prepare it for me, and I feel like a little consent girl. 

martes, 18 de junio de 2019

A trip to repeat

Hi everywone 
Now I want to tell you about a trip I made the last year, in the month of August, we went with my colleagues to Arica, for the National Meeting of Geography students, they welcomed us at the University of Tarapac谩, although the trip was to study and learn, with my friends we are dedicated to travel  as much as possible, because it is a place we did not know.  

The best part of the trip was when we went to Tacna, Peru, we took a bus from the Arica bus terminal, the trip was very cheap, we crossed the border and arrived at the Tacna terminal.  We discovered that many Chileans travel daily to this city that is popularly known for selling imitations of clothes at very low cost.  In addition to buying clothes, we toured the city, some tourist places, and ate very rich food 馃い
What I liked most of the trip was to share new experiences with my friends, we spent a few days in Tacna, I would have liked more days, to travel more places in Peru, there were buses to get to many places, but we did not have so much time :(

lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

Photography 馃摳馃懆‍馃懇‍馃懅‍馃懅

Hi everywone

Now I want to tall you about about this family photo, it is from the year 2016, it was taken at the wedding party of my grandparents, who are those of the photo, when they celebrated their 50 years of marriage. I remember that day because we had a great time, they had a party in the largest church in San Felipe and then a cocktail party, they were very happy because the whole family was together and we wish them the best world for them and their marriage.

I really like this picture because my grandparents are very important to me, they have always cared for me and my sister, they are very loving with us, although now I can't see them too much cause I'm  already living in Santiago for my studies, and they live in San Felipe, so I can only see them on the weekends :(

In the picture appear my beautiful paternal grandparents, Alex and Tere, my young sister Cony and me.

martes, 30 de abril de 2019

Hi everywone

Since I was a little girl, I have seen my dad do a very important and great job, which I have admired and I have always liked; be a firefighter. 
My dad learned to be fireman because my grandfather was also firefighter, and since I was little I liked to accompany him to this activities, like the baptism of the new firemen, where water is thrown at them while climbing a large staircase or the competitions between companies of fireman, those are very entertaining because they make competitions to run, to raise stairs, to handle hoses and those things that do the fireman.
When I was in the school, I wanted to join the fire brigade, a group of young people whp want and train to be firefighters when they turn 18 years old, but my mom did not like the idea because she thinks it's very dangerous ans risky.
I would like to be a firefighter especially in Chile, because it's voluntary and not a paid job. If it became paid, people would do it just for the money and not for wanting to help people. 
I hope to fulfill my dream of helping people when they leave school and have time to train and do the courses to be a great firefighter, and make a small change that only men can be firefighters.

This song is iconic of the fireman.

jueves, 25 de abril de 2019

When I was a little girl 馃懇馃徎‍馃殌

Hi everywone

When I was a child, I watched a lot of TV, I was the fan #1 of the channel Discovery Kids, since I was about 4 years old. There I see series like "Bob the Builder"; it was about a young man who built many things and the machines he worked with had a name, they spoke and they were very nice. Also I saw "Dragon Tales"it was about two little brothers , who had a magic gem, and by saying the magic words (which I always remember) "I dream and wish whit all my heart, go to a distant land flying in a dragon", and then they appeared in a magical place full of dragons that were their friends. One of my favorite show was "Zaboomafoo", it was about two friends who had a moneky (who did not remember their kind) as it was a real and not animated series, they showed and taught about many animals.
When I grew up a bit more, I liked watching the "Power Rangers", although my momo would not let me see them because I said it was a program just for boys. But my favorite show at the time, was "31 minutos", I liked Bodoque's character very much, because was doing reports called "The green route", I thought that Tulio Trivi帽o character, the program host, was very silly and selfish and my favorite moment of the program was when they gave the musical ranking top top top top top whit many great songs.
My favorite chapter of "The green route"

martes, 23 de abril de 2019

My summer trips 馃殌

Hi everywone

In general my holidays mean a trip with my family, my parents and my younger sister, the last one we did together was the summer of 2018, where we went to Panguipulli, in the region of Los R铆os, there we were close to two weeks and we traveled all the place and its surroundings.We saw beautiful places, went fishing in Lake Panguipulli, went to one of the Huilo Huilo biological reserves, there were wonderful landscapes, small waterfalls and conservation of fauna, such as wild boar and deer.
Huilo Huilo biological reserve

That summer, I also went on a trip with my friends from the university, we went to Icalma, in the Araucan铆a region, we went by plane to Temuco (it was my first plane trip) and then we took a dilapidated bus that after many hours left us in Icalma. One of my friends had a house there, almost next to the lake, we spent a week there, even one day we went to Argentina, we crossed the border walking (they were about 6 hours walking to get to the nearest Argentine city) and we discovered that everything was very expensive there :( It was also the first time I left the country, even if I was walking hahaha

Chile-Argentina border limit

This year, I could not go out with my family, because every season of summer vacations and winter vacations I participate in a volunteering of entertaining holidays for children called CEVAS (Solidarity Vacation Centers), in different places of San Felipe, and unfortunately this year the dates of the family trip coincided with CEVAS, so I stayed below the trip that the rest of my family made to Chilo茅.

A picture with my dear children of CEVAS