jueves, 25 de abril de 2019

When I was a little girl 👩🏻‍🚀

Hi everywone

When I was a child, I watched a lot of TV, I was the fan #1 of the channel Discovery Kids, since I was about 4 years old. There I see series like "Bob the Builder"; it was about a young man who built many things and the machines he worked with had a name, they spoke and they were very nice. Also I saw "Dragon Tales"it was about two little brothers , who had a magic gem, and by saying the magic words (which I always remember) "I dream and wish whit all my heart, go to a distant land flying in a dragon", and then they appeared in a magical place full of dragons that were their friends. One of my favorite show was "Zaboomafoo", it was about two friends who had a moneky (who did not remember their kind) as it was a real and not animated series, they showed and taught about many animals.
When I grew up a bit more, I liked watching the "Power Rangers", although my momo would not let me see them because I said it was a program just for boys. But my favorite show at the time, was "31 minutos", I liked Bodoque's character very much, because was doing reports called "The green route", I thought that Tulio Triviño character, the program host, was very silly and selfish and my favorite moment of the program was when they gave the musical ranking top top top top top whit many great songs.
My favorite chapter of "The green route"

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