jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

The kings of Wakanda

Hi everywone

     Since two years ago, I have the time to see all the movies of the saga Marvel, the MCU, The Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the true it's that I don't have many expectative from the movies, I think that was boring like another sagas whit many movies, but when I was in the middle of all them, I fell in love of the plot.
     The last year, the movie Black Panther came out, so like all Marvel Movies, I went to see it to the cinema, and I think it's one of the best movies in the world, because the plot is different from other Marvel's movies, it has a very real context and the conflict is very attractive to watch. But without a doubt the best character (after Black Panther, apparently(, is the villain Killmonger, cousin of King T'Challa (Same Black Panter) who was exiled from Wakanda after his father, who had taken the power by force, died in a fight for the throne of Wakanda. So, N'Jadaka (Killmonger) have to live in a dangerous neighborhood of New York, until he decided to fight again for the throne that belonged to him in Wakanda.

On the right, with short hair, is Black Panther, and on the left with dreadlocks, is Killmonger.

     I think they both make a very good fight, however, Killmonger is a villain with good arguments to fight and he does very well, althought Black Panther is very good, but for him the life has been much easier and he has been able go much futher, if they hadn't banished N'Jadaka as a child, they could both have one far together.

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2019

Family meal

Hi everywone

     Now I want to tall you about a meal that always remember me my home and my family. When I was a little girl my dad always cook lasagna, cause that was her favorite meal in the life, he eat that since he was a little boy and my granthmother prepare it for he and her brothers, so he love it. When I was little my dad prepare it, but when we grew up, he thaught to prepare it to my mom, and she invented the lasagna of the most singular flavors, with another ingredients that my dad taught him, althought they were very rich flavors.
      When my sister and me grew up, we thaught how prepare it, inclending how to make the dough, cause my dad said that the dough of supermarket don't have savor and is't better prepare it ourselves. In the first time my favorite was the classic lasagna bolognese, but today I love the lasagna of vegetables and white cream, because they have a strong taste, and cause now I'n traying to reduce the meat in my feeding. 
     Today, regrettably I prepare lasagna once a month, cause it's expensive for my poor college pocket, and it's need many time to prepare it, and I don't have this time :(
        What I like the most it's that when I go to my home in San Felipe, sometimes my mom prepare it for me, and I feel like a little consent girl.